In last the years we have been gifts in the carried through workmanships most important in the south of the country:

– Associação Comercial de Beja;
– Caixa de Crédito Agrícola de Cuba / Ficalho / Vidigueira;
– C. M. de Alvito / Beja / Castro Verde / Cuba / Mértola / Moura / Portel / Santiago do Cacém / Serpa;
– Cooperativa Agrícola de Beja / Odemira / Vidigueira;


– Escola Superior Agrária de Beja;
– Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão;
– Hospital Distrital de Beja;
– Hospital Regional de Serpa;
– Somincor;
– Portugal Telecom;
– Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Cuba / Beja / Mértola / Ourique / Serpa / Aljustrel;
– Explorações Pecuárias.

We have participated in the construction of some important works, all over the country in partnership with some of the most important Portuguese and Spanish contractors.

AC Nunes;


Costa Carvalho;



Construcciones Amenabar;

Among others.