Our philosophy is in a simple way, practical and efficient to present the best solutions to it for any type of situation. Our strategy expresses the Satisfaction of the Customer, assuring the Globalisation.
The Total Satisfaction of the Customer is our main objective, not only the level of the quality of our products, but also in the quality of the jobs that we have for offering to it:
– Feasibility studies;
– Instalation projects;
– Assembly;
– Equipment maintenance;
– Assistance after-sale;
– Bracket technician.
For that in such a way it is necessary to improve our income and to consider Innovative products and jobs, whose Quality is irreproachable, respecting Dead lines of delivery and to the lesser possible Cost, having as base the involvement of our Staff and our Suppliers.
In a perspective of national growth, Frimais strongly bets in the research of economic sectors where the new applications of climatization and refrigeration could be developed. These are the main purposes of Frimais and are through them that we achieve one strong presence in the national market.