The FRIMAIS was established in 1987, taking the place of the individual company “Isaltino Tareco” earlier formed in 1980. Initiating its activities as reply to the economic and urban growth of the city of Beja, where if it points out its headquarters and manufacture installations.

The company grew parallel with the development of the south region of the country, becoming in one of the main companies of the branch in the climatization and refrigeration.

The FRIMAIS initiated its activities only with 3 collaborators. Currently, the company presents an organizational structure capable to answer to the emergent necessities of all its customers, offering the best solutions the lower cost, rapidity and efficiency.


For beyond the study and projects, assemblies techniques and representations of the more appraised marks of the market, Frimais strongly bets in the innovation and development of new technologies. Recently they have been developed projects in the area of the Cattle Climatization.

Currently, making face, to the new projects of development of the company a new office was open in Setúbal, being its organizational structure almost the same that the presented one was opened previously.

The Frimais competes nowadays in the National market, having license of maximum class 5 of public workmanships for any region of the country.



